Friday, April 4, 2014


Snow fell softly, and it was 4
days before Christmas.
I was sitting in the kitchen
on a cold wooden chair.
my sister on the ground
petting the cat. My mom walked in
and started to weep.

The funeral came right after
Christmas. The church smelled of
candles, and there was no sound
except and echoing sob here and there.
I could feel the tears. Wet and salty
slipping out of my eyes.
Making a river down my face.

Then there was The Rose. It was a simple
white rose. With soft petals and a sharp stem.
I still keep the petals now. The petals shriveled
and brown. Kept in a small black box,with
jewel encrusted sides.

Every year near Christmas time I think of
him. I know that he may not be here now,
but he will remain in the hearts if the ones he loved.
I will always remember him, and he will never be


Space Mountain
A never ending hill of terror
The roller coaster
The raging monster

I was nervous
My dad went on
My brother went too
My mom didn't go
And I didn't want to

Last minute
I went with them
My mind was blank with fear
Sweat formed as I lowered myself
Into the cold, plastic chair

The count down
3... 2... 1... 0...
We flew down the track
I almost couldn't breath
The harsh wind kept me from opening my eyes

I laughed
I liked the speed
The darkness closed in on me
But joy still overwhelmed me
The best ride at the park

Space Mountain
In Disney World
A roller coaster
A raging monster
A ride to remember


I hear the echoing of my mom,
Sobbing in pain,
Seeps into my ear,
Tissues resting on the table,
Next to her,
She's sitting next to the ghost of my grandma.

Turquoise, clear
Below me
With one push
I leave the safe
ladder and into
the unknown.

From fresh air,
to salt trying to
escape into my lungs.

Millions of workers
with tails and fins.
Colors of that have
come down from heaven.
Under and in here,
Turquoise, clear.


The scent of colors amaze me.
The fresh tang of yellow,
The bright green meadow smelling of lemon grass.
Sweet cherry red and iceberg blue,
Cold and refreshing freezing your senses.
The moody aroma of purple flowers,
And sickly sweet pink.
The color of a little girls outfit and
The smell of her energy and laughter.
The depth of grey with its swirling darks and lights
Colors smell of emotion and personality.

I was young and didn't know what was happening,
all I knew was I got to wear my new red tie with firetrucks on it.
I sat on a wooden bench with my mom,
this room was divided into rows of benches
and the walls were lined with beautiful colorful windows.
I look around and see people crying and I can hear there sobs.
I peak over the shoulder of the person infront of me.
I see my grandfather sleeping in a black box surrounded by flowers,
in the center of this large room.

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